About Us

Rio Lagartos Sign

Our Beginning

Alliance for Health and Rehabilitation developed based on the experience that Dale Deubler, PT,MS had in leading university service-learning trips to Merida, Yucatan for over 10 years. In 2017 the idea was created to expand this global health work into rural Yucatan, in conjunction with the state managed community-based rehabilitation clinics. In addition to blending consultation, direct service and education, learning about the local culture and reflecting on the experience continue to be integrated into each trip. After two years of effort, which included one trip and discussions with our partners in Yucatan and volunteer in the US, the Alliance was granted status as a 501(3)C not- for-profit organization. The Alliance will continue to sponsor trips that receive partial support from the Yucatan state and local governments as well as generous welcomes from the local residents.


Our Purpose

The purposes of the Alliance for Health and Rehabilitation, Inc. are to: 

  1. Engage in collaborative efforts to enhance rehabilitation and health services to underserved populations by addressing problems associated with limited education and resources and with coordination and communication with local health care providers and health care administrators;  

  2. Utilize evidence- based programs and research, outreach and collaboration, to develop short and long-term strategies, practices and policies for enhancing health and rehabilitation services within the targeted communities;

  3. Raise awareness and educate local health and rehabilitation care providers through the development of education materials designed to enhance the provision of care;

  4. Educate stakeholders of the need for ongoing efforts to enhance health and rehabilitation care in local communities;


An incredible experience

“Each year we make new friends, rekindle friendships made the previous year, laugh and cry! But most importantly, we teach, we learn, we change lives, and we leave inspired to do more good in the world.”

— Dale Deubler, President